When we awoke, everything was covered with a blanket of snow. There were several inches, so we piled on the layers, then piled out the front door to go sledding.

One of the hardest things to do is to take pictures with snow gloves on. : )

Preparing to head down the road.

Business 74/King St.
This is the main thoroughfare through town

And off we go!!!

Did he get tired?

Always wanting to get a little more adventurous....

Okay, Ray.....maybe that's going a little bit too far.

Is it cold???

This sledding session has come to an end. : ( It was so bitter cold outside that two didn't last even 15 minutes! The remaining four toughed it out until lunch time.

The playground across from our house

Our house

Toward dusk, the brave four trudged down to the sledding hill once again.

Allison's one and only time down the hill

It has snowed all but a few hours today. As night was coming on, the temperature began to drop rather rapidly. Seeing as how it was already below freezing during daylight hours...... Brrrrrrr!!! It is supposed to get down to 15 degrees tonight.
Ok now I believe it was snow and not sleet. I was surprised not to see a very large sled that Ray Jr talked about using. It is located in my backyard.
I had thought about it, but I didn't have time to get it......besides, the townspeople probably would have thought aliens had invaded if we were seen going down the hill on a satellite dish.
Hey, I bet it would make a great fish pond!
I still think you should get it and then take a picture with the entire family sitting on the disk. It could then be used as the cover photo on a CD of "Christmas Songs by The Workman Family". By the way, we got a total of 42 inches of snow the last five days and have received over 70 inches for the year.
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