
Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Day To Remember

Yesterday, there was another of those unforgetable moments at our house. There was no public recognition or big long ceremony, but we sure did have fun celebrating an occasion that probably deserved much more attention than it got. Happy Birthday, Daddy! We love you!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Belated Pictures

Here are the promised pictures although a little late in coming. : ) The computer didn't want to they ever????? They say a picture is worth a thousand words so maybe this will save you the grueling task of reading an essay. : ) (...and me the grueling task of writing one. : ) : )

Friday, January 9, 2009

Belated Birthdays and Broken Bones

Ten days late and many happy moments later....
Happy Birthday, Allison!!!

She got to spend her birthday camping (pictures coming soon!). Several weeks ago she slipped in the bedroom catching the bookcase to break her fall and instead broke her collarbone. Since then she has re-injured it twice. She really has been going through a lot! As far as we know, the bones have not separated, but it is still very painful.