
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Totin' Tomatoes

You may realize that every picture in this post has something in common. Yes, I have a new best friend...a tomato! Better known as Tommy, he follows me everywhere I go. That is, until I lose him over the fence, and then I have to get a replacement. : ) I know...your next question is "Why in the world are you taking pictures of a tomato?????" Quite frankly, Earth Fare is having their second annual "Take Our Tomato" photo contest. So here are my "Little Mr. Tomatoes" in NC, and who knows where he'll end up next. : )


Ooooops!!! I almost lost him!
That's not for you, Ray! : )

All of the above photos in this post are for the Earth Fare Tomato Contest

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Love the tomato Valerie! I think my favorite is the first one of the kittens! Really kinda' looks like our "Wally".

Hope you win!
