
Monday, April 26, 2010

Making A Stink

The week of April 11th-16th was the week of our revival meetings with Bro. Paul Crow at our church in Kings Mountain. It was a special week with many decisions made and many lives changed.
That Monday, the pastor and assistant pastor of one of our supporting churches in WV stopped by on their way down to Georgia. It was so much fun and so encouraging to fellowship with them the short time they were with us. We probably had a little too much fun..... : ) but we really couldn't resist. : ) After a late night coffee/tea time on our front porch and a few hours' sleep, they headed on their way.
Wednesday, we had a meeting in Yanceyville, NC ~ about a 3 hour drive. We ministered in music, and Daddy preached. It's been a little while since we've traveled, so we had to get back in the swing of things.

Wednesday morning, Valerie was taking the covers we had used for our company back out to our enclosed cargo trailer. As she opened the side door, some of the stuff inside began falling out. It looked like a tornado had hit! What in the world!?! Then upon looking up, she saw the culprit....a large black and white cat commonly called Clarkey. Oh NO! Another factor that awakened her senses was a strong smell.....and it was NOT a pleasant one. Apparently he had sneaked in while they were getting the covers and air mattresses out Monday night. We certainly had our work cut out for us! Everything had to come out, anything cloth had to be washed in OdoBan, and everything else had to be washed down. We first tried just airing the trailer out and spraying it with OdoBan, but when we arrived at our meeting Wednesday night, there was a strong odor of cat permeating the trailer as well as the things in it. Whew!!! SO the next day, it was emptied again, and this time, scrubbed out with water and laundry detergent, then sprayed once again with OdoBan. We were ready to disown a cat! Yes, the things in the trailer needed sorted through and inventory checked, but this was a little more thorough than we had in mind.

And the moral to this story?

Before you shut the trailer door in the dark,
Be sure to check inside for a cat named Clark!

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