Okay, okay......so what happened the evening that it rained???? We got back from Wilmington early afternoon just in time for Dad, Ray, and Sara to don their camo and head into the woods. They've gone hunting on our land several times with no success, but always with high spirits and the assurance that "we'll get him one of these days!"
The rest of the "girls" (Mom included) took a drive to Clinton to pick up some things at Wal-Mart. While shopping at another store we found in the area, Mom got a phone call from Ray. His voice sounded almost as if he were crying and his introductory statement was, "She's on the ground! I shot her!" Now put yourself in her motherly shoes......recalling who all had gone hunting and thinking of what he said, what would you think?????
The rest of the "girls" (Mom included) took a drive to Clinton to pick up some things at Wal-Mart. While shopping at another store we found in the area, Mom got a phone call from Ray. His voice sounded almost as if he were crying and his introductory statement was, "She's on the ground! I shot her!" Now put yourself in her motherly shoes......recalling who all had gone hunting and thinking of what he said, what would you think?????
Well, all the girls knew was that Mom was standing in the middle of the store on the phone saying, "Ray, what's wrong? What happened? Is everything okay?" in a voice that says, "Something is bad wrong." There was a HUGE sense of relief when Ray explained that it was the doe he shot, and not Sara, that was on the ground. Then it was time for a grand celebration!
Poor Ray.......so excited........and the van, coolers, and camera all were in Clinton ~ 30-45 minutes away with the girls who hadn't paid for their purchases yet. Soooooo.......about an hour later, after many phone calls asking, "Are you almost here???" they arrived on the scene. There were pictures, and, of course, the whole tale of how everything happened coupled with preparations to field dress her.

It was as the darkness was deepening that they got a call in a quiet female voice over their radios......."Hey, ya'll.........there's coyotes over here.......I see them."
In their haste, Ray and Dad hadn't thought about Sara being left at the other side of the property.......alone.......with the coyotes.
We had meat for the freezer and plenty of excitement to make this a memorable occasion!
How much damage was made to the truck that Ray Jr was driving when he hit the deer? If the deer was shot, I would think either Ray Sr or Sara did the shooting.
It is even a shock to the ones that have hunted with me. One guy looked at me and said, "And how many shots did it take you?" I can truly say ONE! They don't call me "Two Shot JR." for nothing! I am the only one ever known to have shot three 12ga shells at one squirrel and it still ran off. I did get blood all over the back of the car when I hauled it down the road to where we cleaned it.
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