Here are a few of our tiny little blessings. : ) The two Rays didn't think so at first, but it wasn't long before the kittens had won their hearts. Especially when the tiny little fur balls would run to greet us as soon as we would open the door. How adorable!
One huge blessing was when the Lord provided 81 pounds of organic carrots for only pennies a pound. Wow! There was a coupon for $1 off a certain brand and the 1-pound bags of carrots were on sale for $.99 so really we only paid tax. It was so wonderful to be able to can 42 quarts plus have some left over for meals.
Planting flowers is another attraction -- not just for us. : ) Our curious furry friends were right there to cheer us on as well as poke their noses into anything and everything....even going so far as to taste the Impatiens we were planting in the hanging baskets.
We never knew where little eyes would be watching from. While planting flowers under our "rose arbor" (it takes a good imagination to call it that) : ), we looked up, and, there, on top was Clarkey peering down through the lattice.
After the exertion of planting flowers in the flower beds, hanging baskets, and the pots on the front porch, we treated ourselves to a game of croquet. It took us an hour and a half to set it up and got to enjoy it for about 45 minutes. Go figure. : )
The Ladies' Banquet theme for this year was about the promises of God. What a wonderful reminder of the many promises He has given to His children!
We're not quite sure what they were thinking when they stuck these guys in the kitchen! Notice the apron? Nothing like taking advantage of the opportunity, right? After all, this was a ladies' banquet. : ) He actually got three takers.....his mom, his sister, and his aunt. : )
The beauty of spring has been overwhelming! There's nothing like taking a walk through town soaking up all the blossoms, fresh air, and sunshine.
The intricacy of each little part of the flower is so amazing....there is no denying a Creator when studying the detailed design. And to think that He pays attention to the lilies of the field, how they grow. How much more does our Heavenly Father care for us!
Here is one of the camping pastimes. Splitting wood with a machete is very entertaining to the one actually doing it as well as to the onlookers. We had gone out east to spray the lines on our property and inquire into the timber market. There was a lot accomplished. We also learned a bit including how to check for ticks. Sara found 3, Valerie found 2, Ray found 1, and Keisha found 1. Then came the lesson in how to get them off. Ray was pretty experienced, but the girls were somewhat skittish with the fear that they might not get the head. All went well, and we came away with a tick collection -- nicely preserved in sandwich bags and labeled with the name on whom it was found and the date (just in case any strange symptoms appeared). It has now been two weeks so everyone is more than likely out of the danger zone.
I'm glad you told me the procedure of sheep shearing and now to see the actual pictures is great... oh.... I hate ticks.... Great photos of flowers and scenery of the land.. I also like the choice of scriptures to go with the scene. OK.... tell me how you got the name Smudge for the cat!!! LOL
Smudge was solid white when he was born with the exception of a black smudge right between his ears. Since then, we have found the name very fitting.....he frequently came home full of smudges with very little white showing. Sometimes we wondered if he tried to change his color. : )
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