As the years roll past, you realize more and more how precious family time is.
This past weekend, we traveled up to Pineola where Ma Maw and Pa Paw were camping with their camping club. Saturday they were having bar-b-que in honor of Ma Maw's birthday.

It pays to get there early! : ) It was fun being able to just sit back and relax with the background music of the river rushing past and the laughter as we recounted stories of years gone by.

It was amazingly cooler up in the mountains. Not so hot and stuffy as it is down here in the valley.

Bar-b-que time! Are you hungry, Ray?

There was so much food we had a hard time fitting it on the table.

Purty Girl...even if she is scary. : )

Wow! Was it ever good!

Our family with Ma Maw, Pa Paw, and Crystal

Afterwards, we sang for a little while, but it wasn't long before Ray just couldn't resist the urge any longer. Down to the river he went.....and, of course, his sisters followed. : )

We had a really good time just spending time. The moments pass away so quickly, but the memories will last a lifetime. And you never know....some day ten years from now, we might just be sitting around talking and laughing about it. : )
looks like you had a great time with your grandparents! They're the best!
Looks like yall had a lot of fun and good food. The only thing missing was peanut brittle. If only you had gotten paid in peanuts.
I really enjoy the blog. See ya in a couple of weeks.
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