This past weekend,we took a trip out east to try to accomplish some things on our land. The temporary pole can't be put up quite yet as we were hoping that it could, but we did get an idea of the order of things. The large piles of brush (from clearing the driveway) will have to be burned, the perk test done, the footings dug and poured, and THEN the temporary pole. Somewhere in the midst of these things will come a well permit and possibly a septic system. Whew! But it does feel soooooo good to have things going. The Lord is SO good!

One of the "must pack"s is the fishing poles. : )
With the Cape Fear River not far away, Ray just can't stand leaving them behind.
While making plans to travel out east, we discovered that the Ammon Blueberry Festival was scheduled for the same weekend. Perfect! What a wonderful time to meet the people in the community! The Lord blessed, and we were able to introduce ourselves to many of our future neighbors.

There were a lot of booths to browse through

and old cars to inspect

and handmade crafts

and other goods as well.

Then there was the parade....right past the main part of town. : )

They had some hilarious get-ups

The Hillbillies

Training them early

The Ammon firetruck
The Ammon VFD sponsored the event

Ahhhhh...the shade! The sun was very hot, and quite a few of us came back a few different shades of red from a little pink to more of a burgundy color. : )

Meetin' a neighbor

More neighbors

After the parade was the Blueberry Auction. At first we thought "
Oh, good! Maybe we can get some cheap blueberries!"

And the first flat of blueberries goes for..........$900!
(And, no, we did not make a mistake and put too many zeros on the end.)
The decision was made very quickly that there would be no bidding at this auction. But we did have fun watching....

and eating our blueberry icecream...
Whoops! Where did the blueberry icecream go?! : )

The spectators

Ray and Sara decided to get some hamburgers, and along with a purchase, you got to put a ticket into a drawing to win a fishing pole.
And much to everyone's surprise....

Ray won!

Our next door neighbor...Mr. Melvin
As we left that afternoon, we were more excited and ready than ever to get there permanently!
But, as said before....

we have to burn these mountains down first! : )