It's hard to believe a year could go by so quickly! It seems like just yesterday we were holding a newborn ~ and to think that this past weekend we celebrated her 1st birthday! Yes, precious little Abigail has turned one. : )
For 1st birthdays, the birthday baby gets the cake first. It's so much fun watching their reaction to something completely new to them! Some are hesitant and want no part of it, but others, like Abby, waste no time getting the hang of it. : )

After the cake festivities were finished, we had pizza, and then all adjourned to the living room for presents to be opened.
Allison had made a hat for Abby, so we decided to try it on her for size.
After a long, full day, Abby was ready for a bottle and bed. No problem! Aunt Allison to the rescue! : )
We spent the night at Al and Angie's house, so the sisters had an impromptu pajama party. : ) Allison whipped out the brush and hair bows, and, in no time, Angie's hair was turned from perfect and styled to.......well......let's just say that Allison had no mercy. : ) : )
And the next morning.....
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