The optometrist's office holds a lot of memories for us kids. As youngsters, each of our frequent visits would find us skipping right through the door and around the desk into the office just to sniff out that one special drawer....... Hmmmm...Yup! That's the one! And there, laying right where it always was...CHEWING GUM!!! : ) (Thanks, Exie!) And what made us so special? The optometrist is our aunt, y'know. : )
Of course, we could tell about Sara's first eye exam.... Aunt Crystal handed her a black thing and told her to hold it over her right eye. "Okay, now what can you see?" Sara could see nothing. "Hold it over your other eye....Now what can you see?" Again, she could see nothing. By this time everyone was getting a little worried. Was she blind??? After a few minutes of frenzy, Sara realized that the thing she was holding over her eye wasn't meant to help her see better after all. Instead of covering the one and seeing with the other, she was covering the one and closing the other!
This past Friday (Nov. 14th), we took a trip to Conover to get our eyes examined. It was a family affair, to be sure. : )

There was a lot of trying on all the newest styles and colors to see which was the best shape and shade.....
And then there was some goofing and playing as well. : )
Getting a bit stylish, eh??? : )
We had a wonderful time with Aunt Crystal!
After all was finished and the glasses were returned to what we thought might be the right place, we headed over to Ma Maw and Pa Paw's house for a delicious lunch of chicken pie, coleslaw, potatoes, greenbeans, etc. with two of the best tasting apple pies for dessert. Can't beat Ma Maw's cookin'....especially with all the love she sprinkles in!
It was soooooo good to spend time with family!
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