The greatest blessing the Lord ever blessed us with was
~SALVATION~ mercy ~ not giving us what we deserve..... grace ~ giving us what we don't deserve......
We deserved to go to Hell for all eternity, but in God's mercy He saved us from that awful penalty. Not only that, but by His grace He provided a Way of salvation....that if we but turn to Him in simple faith and in repentance, He cleanses us from all unrighteousness and gives us a home in Heaven! He has changed our lives from being empty and hopeless to lives full of purpose and direction. He guides us, sustains us, provides for us, comforts us, and meets every need ~ physical, mental, emotional, spiritual ~ and loves us beyond measure. We have so much to be thankful for!
And the next greatest blessing is
This year, our Thanksgiving feast was at Aunt Crystal's house in Conover, NC. Aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, cousins, grandparents, great-grandparents, in-laws, out-laws.....everyone bringing their "specialty" to go along with the unfortunate bird that was deemed an appropriate centerpiece for our meal.
With a family as extensive as ours, it is difficult to gather in one room, so we were spread throughout the house. Some in the dining room, some in the living room,.....
(hey, you remember whose this one was???)
: )
The youngest generation had a good time playing together. Their energy probably tripled that of all the adults put together. : )
Would you care for some dessert? There's just about any kind you could care for. And if you can't find it here, how about the counter just a few steps away? There really was THAT MUCH dessert!
Abby was taste-testing the edge of her blanket. By the looks of her face, it's questionable.....
It was a wonderful day with the family ~ just being able to sit back and reflect on how good God is!