Deale, Maryland tried to keep us, but we finally got away! : )
Saturday, we had a first ever experience. A newspaper reporter for The Capitol came out to the church to interview us.

The funniest question was when she asked Keisha her age. When Keisha told her, she said, "Oh! I just need to have the ages of those under 18."

She climbed up the ladder and got a shot of Dad, Ray, Keisha, and Sara on the roof and then climbed down and got a few group pictures as well.

And then we had to tell her who was who. She
could have guessed, but we wouldn't have wanted Keisha labeled as Christina or Ray labeled as Sara, now would we? : )

After she left, we got a few shots of our own.....

Sara and Mrs. Brown look to be in deep conversation.

Look at those shingles fly!

Here's the
whole crew. They were so busy running to and fro that it was hard to catch this one.

Mom, Christina, and Allison......
practicing to be tree huggers...ha, ha, ha!
Are we playing "Here is the church, and here is the steeple" ? If you opened the doors right now (on a Saturday morning), you certainly wouldn't find any people!

Maybe we'll just stick to the steeple. : )

Keisha sure is working hard getting the ridge capped!

And here is Sara doing everyone's favorite job.....running the magnet.

This slug slimed in all the way from who knows where just to pitch in.
Sorry, Buster, you just don't have the qualifications decent mode of transportation, you're a little puny for the task at hand, and you're somewhat sluggish in your work ethics.
After completing everything but a few finishing touches, they decided to lend a helping hand with the church bus.

The day is waning....

...and night came.....and so did the the headlights. : ) A tip for working on a bus after dark: Never place your black cell phone on a board being used as a ramp while working on a bus. When the bus is backed onto the board, it may become mortally wounded. Yes -- we know.......from experience. : )
Sunday, we spent all day with the people of First Baptist in Deale. It's always really sweet when we can get to know a pastor and his congregation better.
Then Monday dawned bright and clear...

And the roof was finished!

There's nothing like a different perspective...this is from a grasshopper's point of view. : )
That evening, we went with Pastor and Mrs. Mayes and Mrs. Brown over to another church for the dedication of their new sanctuary. Our family was given the opportunity to take part in the service by way of a couple instrumentals. What a blessing to be able to serve our Lord!
After the service, they had an ice cream social, and then our group headed out to an undisclosed location for supper.
Have you guessed where yet? : ) We had lots of fun with the hats!

We even got Mrs. Brown to wear one! : )

What a sweet couple! : ) 
"The Dunce Hat"

"The King of Burger King"
You should have seen it when we walked out the door! A short little man was on his way in as we went out, and when Ray's turn came, the man started at his toes and scanned him all the way up until he got to his hat. There his eyes became glued until we had all cleared out. Hey, when you're that big, you can wear anything you want. : )
We left out bright and early Tuesday headed for.......HOME!!!!
"As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto childrens' children; To such as keep his covenant, and to those who remember his commandments to do them."
Psalm 103:15-18