
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It's A Deale! Maryland

This past Sunday, we had a wonderful time fellowshipping with the sweet people of Cornerstone Baptist Church. We were with them the whole day presenting the ministry the Lord has called us to as well as playing our instruments and singing. Daddy preached Sunday night about CPR for America......Missions. A very challenging message.

Yesterday we made our way up to Deale, MD to roof the church building for First Baptist Church. They did a little running around trying to get everything rounded up ready to start bright and early this morning.

And start they did.

By lunch time, they had half the one side of the roof shucked off.

They even got Pastor Mayes up there in his dress clothes....Sunday shoes and all!


And what do you think you're doing?????? Break time's not for an hour yet! : )

Okay, okay.....I'll get back to work. : )



Dad and Ray

They're certainly making progress. By the time they came "home" tonight, they had shucked that whole side of the roof and tar papered it. The shingles are supposed to arrive tomorrow, so until then.........


1 comment:

MDPreacher said...

Dear Ray Workman family,
It has been a great joy to have you at our church. We have enjoyed your music and preaching and have been enriched by the fellowship with you and your family!
You and your sweet family have bolstered our church. I am so glad that our church has had the opportunity to have rubbed shoulders with you. We are richer and much more blessed for it!
The only thing is that you didn't take our very strong hint and leave Christina here to be our pianist! :)
I've enjoyed your blog as I get to hunt it up from time to time. I've marked it as a "Favorite" and enjoy all the antics that happen to you and the way you see God's hand at work through it all.
Keep up the good work and thanks for being a friend! You left us greatly enriched for being here. Thanks again!
You and your family are always welcome at First Baptist Church of Deale! We are glad that you are one of our missionary families!
God's best to all of you!
His and yours,
Pastor Robert A. Mayes