
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Catastrophe Kitchen -- Decorated Dining

Our family had the wonderful fun and privilege of decorating our church for Vacation Bible School this year. As we approached this awesome task, we didn't quite know where to begin or what to do. Really.....what do you do to depict "Catastrophe Kitchen"??????? We tossed around the idea of putting up cellophane, crushing eggs on it, covering it with another piece of cellophane, then hanging it, but that idea was quickly tossed out. Can you imagine the stench after being there for over a week?!? Hmmmm......back to the drawing board. ......Aha! the drawing board! There were some really neat clip art chefs so we printed them off, turned them into transparencies, then reflected them onto some big paper and sketched them out. Everyone pitched in with the outlining, coloring, gluing, cutting and anything else it involved. One thing led to another, and in the end, we had a different chef for each team depicting their different food groups.....

Yellow ~ Dairy Creamers
Red ~ Meat Grillers
Blue ~ Fruit Juicers
Green ~ Veggie Slicers
Orange ~ Grain Grinders

Ray had a lot of fun decorating his own little nook. He took on the huge job of decorating the brick building. You can probably just imagine his idea of a catastrophe kitchen.....maybe somewhat of what our own was looking like about that time.... : ) He did an excellent job!
Our job was completed Saturday evening after the VBS workers' meeting, and Vacation Bible School began Sunday night. The Musical Merrill Family came in for the whole week, and, boy! did they ever do a great job with the kids! It was a week full of Bible lessons, skits, singing, etc., etc., etc. Definitely not a dull moment! A fun aspect was the penny offering. The boys and girls kept it neck and neck for the whole week, but the girls won with flying colors the last night. There was over $1100 in pennies collected for a ministry in Cuba. Wow! Great things the Lord hath done! It was a wonderful week of outreach. Many, many unchurched children came, and hopefully within the next few weeks our church will be able to reach out to the families. Praise the Lord for what He has done!

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